Monday, September 22, 2014

Experience Writing a Proposal

       Writing a formal proposal is an interesting task. Depending on how comfortable you are with writing in general will determine how will you will do with writing proposals. I personally have had so much experience with writing essays, proposals, idea papers, reports, etc.
For the entirety of my junior year, my english teacher had us write essays every single day. This class almost singlehandedly reformed my writing ability. 

Finding a topic to write about can often be one of the hardest tasks when writing. However, the moment this project was assigned I knew in an instant what I wanted to write about: The Kentucky Theatre.

With the creation of my presentation, I had an equal amount of passion for. Being able to create a captivating presentation to get people on my side to create my idea for the documentary. I hope that through my presentation, people can feel my passion for this project and want to project their ideas onto my own to embody a powerful project that will knock the socks off this project. 

I hope that in the rest of the year, we have more assignments that require us to pour into a paper and write our opinion. Regardless of what people may have said about constantly having to write in high school. I on the other hand don't see it this way. I see this entire project simply as a way to hone my skills. 
Overall, this project was an informative one. It was a skill building opportunity and I hope that through this, my teacher can feel my passion for his class and for school in general.

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